CK Birla Hospital highlights endometriosis awareness

Pain During Periods Is Not Normal: Robotic Surgery Success at CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram Emphasizes the Need for Early Diagnosis and Increased Awareness around Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a painful chronic condition in which tissue similar to the uterine lining, known as endometrium, grows outside the uterus, usually on the surface of the ovaries. This impacts millions of women across the world. With symptoms including severe pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, and in extreme cases, infertility. Despite its frequency, endometriosis continues to be greatly misunderstood and hence often misdiagnosed, delaying treatment and adding to the patient’s suffering. Identifying the need for advanced medical care and increased awareness, *CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram, under the leadership of Dr. Anjali Kumar, Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology*, has been addressing the challenges brought about by the condition with state-of-the-art technology and compassion in patient care.

Led by Dr. Anjali Kumar, one case involved a 31-year-old woman who had been suffering severe pelvic pain and menstrual discomfort since her teenage years. For years, her symptoms were ignored as “normal period pain” and treated with over-the-counter painkillers. However, her condition gradually worsened until she sought specialized medical care at CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram where she was diagnosed with a frozen pelvis, which is an advanced-stage endometriosis. This advanced condition resulted in a lot of scarring and adhesions that made her pelvic organs immobile and affected her fertility drastically. Dr. Kumar and her team did a complex robotic surgery on her to delicately remove all the adhesions, to get the mobility back in the organs, and reduce her pain. Dr. Anjali Kumar said, “Medically, periods should not be very painful. A little pain is normal, but if someone is dependent on painkillers throughout their cycle, it is a sign of a problem that shouldn’t be ignored. Early diagnosis and treatment can have a huge positive impact on a woman’s quality of life and her fertility.”

Hailing robotic surgery as the modern-day solution in the treatment of endometriosis, Dr. Anjali Kumar said “Robotic surgery has emerged as a revolutionary solution in treating endometriosis. Even in this case, robotic surgery provided unmatched precision, enabling the surgical team to separate tissues and remove adhesions with minimal blood loss. The patient’s recovery was rapid, and she reported feeling pain-free for the first time in years. This technology helps us maintain fertility and improve the quality of life for patients, even in such advanced cases.”

This case brings to the forefront the issues related to delayed diagnosis. It is estimated that a woman receives a diagnosis of endometriosis after 5-7 years on average. Currently, the disease usually has advanced to the stage where it results in chronic pain and infertility. Some of the common symptoms are generalized pelvic pain, pain while passing stool, pain while sexual intercourse, and difficulty conceive. Lifestyle factors such as delayed pregnancies, smoking, and unhealthy diets have significantly contributed to a rise in endometriosis cases. Dr. Anjali Kumar emphasized the need for awareness: “We must dismiss the myth that pain during periods is normal. It is key that women are made aware and educated about endometriosis, so that they recognize the signs early and seek appropriate care.”

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